July 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

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GKKC Board Meeting Minutes – July 6, 2015


Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm


Members present were: Elaine Taylor, Tom Kirstein, Kimberly Williams, Trudy Price, Rhonda Gibbs, Ben Gibbs, Dee Wildenstein, Glynis Littlewood, Darlene Robbins and Cindy Hintz.


Minutes from the March 12th meeting were read and approved.


No Treasurer’s report


Dues notices were sent out by Glynis Littlewood. They are due in July.


A discussion was had about who does our audits and when was the last one done? How often should they be done?  The president needs to be added to the bank account. Should we require a 2nd signature on all checks, or maybe for over a certain amount.  What is the $3,000 scholarship for and who was the recipient?  Can we get a more detailed description of monies going out?  Glynis will email Gayle with these bookkeeping questions/suggestions.


The board voted to recommend acceptance of new members, Val & Joe Currier. Their membership will go to the members for voting of acceptance.


Fun Fest helpers are still needed.


New Business


Glynis Littlewood – Show Chair, Gayle Green Asst. for Sat. and Elaine Taylor for Sun.

Parking – Trudy Price and Judy Pinkevich

Obedience Chair – Darlene Robbins, Ben Gibbs Asst.

Show Hospitality – Joann Marques

Vendors – Ben Gibbs

Grounds Prep – Jan Leblanc

Webmaster and Christmas Party – Rhonda Gibbs

Trophies – Gayle Green?

Publicity – Kimberly Williams

Dog’s Ear – Tammy Elliott?

AKC Liason – Karen Riddle?

Club Meeting Hospitality – Garry Elliott

Training Coordinator – To be considered

Judges Committee – Mary Sparks, Chair person? Hounds, Sporting & Terriers – Tom Kirstein, Working & Herding – Karen Riddle, Non-Sporting & Toy – Dee Wildenstein, Cindy Hintz as backup.

By-Laws Revisions – Darlene Robbins, Cindy Hintz & Tammy Elliott

New Member Hospitality – open


Darlene made a motion to revise the board meeting section of the by-laws to be: Meetings of the board shall be at least six per year with at least one per quarter and held in the Greater Kingsport area.  All were in favor, Elaine Taylor approved and Tom Kirstein seconded.  Darlene will send an email of the wording.


2016 Show Dates are May 21 and 22, 2016.


Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm

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