GKKC minutes April 27,2015
Meeting was called to order at 7:40 by Glynnis LIttlewood, acting president for Elaine Taylor
Members in attendance were Glynnis LIttlewood, Dee Wildenstein, Darlene Robbins, Pam Jones, Charlotte Ryan, Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Trudy Price, Judy Pinkevich, Brenda Grable, Kim Williams, Gayle Green
Guest included Jeremy Smith
Treasurer’s report was read by Gayle Green, insurance for spring show was paid and sent.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
RV parking fees have been sent in for a few exhibitors. Kim Williams volunteered to stay on the Fairgrounds to oversee the RV campers.
Obedience judges will be allowed to park down by the obedience rings instead of the agility field.
Charlotte Ryan brought up the fact that the dog flu was going around to shows and thought it might be a good idea to ask the judges to allow the handlers to show the bites of the dogs to avoid cross contamination of germs and avoid spread of disease.
Glynnis passed out a sign up sheet for Friday set up
Sugar and Spice will not be the caterers at this years show as they were already booked. We will have a new caterers this year.
The Pintas who are judging for us this year need to be at the airport on Monday at 6:15 so it was decided the club would pay for a cab to take them to the airport rather than have a member take them.
Moon pies and RC cola will be available at the show again this year during groups on Sat.
Sweet Adeline’s will do the Star Spangled Banner after the Boy Scouts do a flag presentation and Pledge of Allegiance at the start of the show each day.
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