September 2015 Board Minutes

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September 7, 2015 Meeting
Greater Kingsport Kennel Club
Board of Directors

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Gayle Green, Tom Kirsten, Glynis Littlewood, Trudy Price, Darlene Robbins, Dee Wildenstein.

Glynnis Littlewood read the minutes of the July 6, 2015 Board meeting. Minutes were corrected and approved by consent. She also reported that Elaine Taylor had resigned her board position as recording secretary and the club due to time constraints.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Gayle Green. The report was approved by consent and filed for audit. Gayle noted that the audit is in process and is being conducted by Adams & Plucker, CPAs of Greeneville.

The membership roster was reviewed. It was noted that Jeremy W. Smith should be added to the list. The membership application from Val and Joe Currier was reviewed. Motion made and passed for the board to recommend them to the general membership for voting at the next meeting. President Littlewood reviewed a number of applications she is holding due to incomplete applications or failure to meet the requirements.

Discussion was held regarding judge selection. Members will be reminded to submit judge suggestions by September 30, 2015. Further discussion noted that few suggestions are received by the Judges’ Committee. Consensus was that if no suggestions are given the committee should proceed with selection. It was suggested that the committee make calls at the judges committee meeting in order to secure the panel as quickly as possible. It is hoped to secure the 2017 and 2018 judges quickly early in order to place the club in the position of getting quality judges before they are booked by other clubs.

Continuing discussion on the upcoming All-Breed show, Glynnis reported that MB-F is changing their fee structure and if we draw 400 entries or less, our fee to them will be $4,800. If we have over 400 entries, our costs go to $8.45 per dog.

Jeremy Smith’s application was read and approved. He will be recommended to the general membership at the next meeting.

A lengthy discussion was held regarding the scholarship to the University Of Tennessee School Of Veterinary Medicine. Following discussion, a motion was nade by Darlene Robbins to stop the scholarship donation to UT and to find a more local option to benefit dogs. Rhonda Gibbs second. Motion carried.
Kim Williams agreed to research respirators for dogs rescued from fires.

Discussion was held on the AKC Sportsmanship Award. A recipient was selected and the award will be presented at the 2016 All-Breed and Obedience and Rally Show.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Gayle Green
Acting Secretary

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