GKKC Board Meeting March 7, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:35 by Glynis Littlewood
1.Minutes from, Dec 7th were read…
1.Tom Kirstin was the second on the motion to add the VP’s to signature cards on the bank accounts.
2.It was agreed upon by the Board members, by email..to pay 80.00 dollars for appetizers at the
Christmas party, for the club members.
2.Discussion on the signature cards for the Regions Bank accounts.
Glynis was said she was not comfortable in filling out all of her personal information on a generic form that Gayle had given her. There was no bank logo, or bank information on the form. It was agreed upon by the Board members that Glynis should go to the Regions bank in person to fill out the application and be added to the account.
3.Discussion on the Yearly Audit
A letter was read from the CPA firm of Adams and Plucker… a copy is attached to the end of this report…. in the letter it self says “A review is substantially less in scope than an audit”. It was agreed upon the the Board that this does not constitute an Audit that is required by the Clubs Constitution and By-Laws.
4. Glyins said that she knows of a financial software program that is specific to kennel clubs and was going to check into it and get back with the Board.
5.JoAnn Marques told Glynis that Sugar and Spice was not going to be suppling the food for the judges this year. The same group as last year will be used again. The same budget as last year…1200.00 was going to be used this year. JoAnn said she would come to a general meeting and discuss the food situation.
6.The Holiday Inn contract has not been done yet. Glynis is going to get in contact with Kelly at the Holiday Inn to get that finalized.
7. The Vet for the show..
Dr Robinson has been contacted and has agreed upon 300.00 a day for his services.
8. Dogs Ear
Glyins has been trying to reach Tammy since first of December. Tammy has not responded to any of her calls or emails. She has also tried to reach her through Gary.
9.Reinstating of Warren Quinn
The Board has recommended the reinstatement of Warren. His reinstatement will be voted on at the next General Meeting.
10.Handling Classes
The fairgrounds has every night that we could use booked. The classes will be cancelled for this spring. It is recommended that we have Fall Classes and schedule Spring classes next Fall.
11. Archives
We have none. What we did have has been kept by members that left the club without returning them. It was agreed upon by the Board that we have a file box for each financial year that contains all of the Clubs business and stored by the club.
12. Estimated Show Expense
Glyins prepared a Show expense estimate sheet.. a copy is attached at the end of this report.
MBF is requiring us to purchase a one million dollar liability insurance policy to protect them. We have to have this done 2 weeks before the show date. Gayle is supposed to be taking care of this.
13. Trophies
Gayle has not given the Club a cost estimate for the baskets she was going to make.
14.Grooming area
It was agreed that the cost of the Grooming areas will be
5.00 for the Regular building for the weekend
10.00 for the A/C building for the weekend
It will be a “day of” collection of money. Color coded cards will be given to the exhibitors as they pay for the spaces.
15. Judges
We have 10 this year, it was agreed that at the May General Meeting that we will have a expense sheet for each Judge to show what each one was paid and how many dogs they judged.
16.Nominating Committee
Darlene was selected as Chair and will be asking the following people if they would like to serve on the committee or be alternates. Darlene will contact Brenda Grable, Pam Jones, Janice Pelletti, Judy Pinkevich, and Karen Riddle.
17. Fun Fest
Glynis is going to email Jan and Charlie to see if they are wanting to do it again this year, several moths ago Charlie had said to Glynis that he wanted to come and talk to the club about the Fun Fest Dog Show. She is going to see if he wants to come to one of the next meetings.
Meeting adjourned 8:55
Ben Gibbs acting Recording Secretary
March 2016 Board Minutes
Posted by Rhonda Gibbs
June 1, 2016
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