December 2016 General Meeting Minutes
GKKC General Meeting on 12/2/2016 at Bella Vita in Johnson City was called to order by Ben Gibbs, President, At 7:40 PM.
Members present were: Janice Pelletti, Dee Wildenstein, Sherry Crossley, Walter Crossley, Darlene Robbins, Darcy Kallus, Judy Pinkevich, Karen Riddle, Rhonda Gibbs, Ben Gibbs, Joe Currier, Val Currier, Kim Williams, Trudy Price, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Pam Jones, and Brenda Grable.
Visitors present were: Patrick Pelletti, Tom Jones, and Bernadette Alu.
November 28, 2016 general meeting minutes were approved as read.
The following questions from November 28th were addressed by the treasurer:
1) State Farm policy – it does have the 4 people that are authorized to write checks listed in the policy. Policy is for 10/28/2016 – 10/28/2017 @ $287
2) Per Raymond James statements, we have the following fixed income:
$50K 2% due 11/23/2018
$10K 1.9% due 04/08/2020
Rhonda Gibbs made a motion to donate $2,000.00 to the Sevier County Humane Society. Val Currier seconded the motion and it was approved.
Patrick Pelletti’s application for membership was read for the first time.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Rhonda Gibbs, Acting Recording Secretary
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