Club Minutes

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September 2022 General Meeting Minutes

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GKKC September 2022 General Minutes

The Greater Kingsport Kennel Club General meeting was held Monday, September 26, 2022, at the Appalachian Fairgrounds and was called to order at 6:31PM by President, Ben Gibbs.

Members present: Diane Bauman, Rhonda Gibbs, Ben Gibbs, Kim Williams, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Brenda Grable, Katie Smiley, Judy Pinkevich, Pierce Massey, Dannie Lee, Pam Miller, Andrew Moore, Donna Hamm, Joe Currier, Val Currier, Carrie Kruska, Julie Webster, Debbie Sullivan, Karen Smith, and Sheila Leonard.

Visitors present: Brian King, Joy Ellis(, Valerie Yarber(, and Stacy Debord (

The July general meeting minutes were read by Carrie Kruska and approved as read.

Treasurer’s report was read by Brenda Grable. Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

Potluck will be held on October 24 at 6pm at the Appalachian Fairgrounds, which will be organized by Barbara Salberg-Richman and David Richman.*** Update: Please note this event was canceled due to Appalachian Fairgrounds not being available to hold a meeting***

The GKKC Christmas party/club meeting is to be held on December 7 @ 6:30 at the Chop House in Kingsport, TN. The club will provide appetizers. Guests are welcome to attend.

2nd Vice president, Barbara Salberg-Richman, discusses the need for volunteers starting in December for breed presentations as part of our monthly club program. The presentation should be about 10 minutes in length, including AKC Breed standards, behavior traits of the breed, and types of activities the breed enjoys.

Discussion of auditing the GKKC financial books which will be led by Kim Williams.

Also, discussion of streamlining the GKKC membership process.

In addition, there was a discussion of the 2023 Agility site which will be held at the Renaissance Farm in Bulls Gap. There will be a limited number of RV spots and a limited amount of crating space. The Agility Gate APP may be used due to crating issues.

Diane Bauman suggested donating money to a low-cost spay and neuter community facility. There was a discussion to provide $75 vouchers to those who might benefit from this service.


Pierce Massey made a motion to rescind the tabling and due diligence for the next 6 months and decide what to do with the funds.  of the motion made last month regarding the motion to donate $3000 to a resident from one of the upper 7 counties in Northeast Tennessee who is attending the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medicine School. Dannie Lee seconded the motion. There was a discussion to take the motion of the table and re-visit in 6 months. In addition, non-profits have no obligation to donate. Dannie Lee discusses the parameters of scholarship selection. Unanimously voted to rescind and table the motion. Val Currier seconded the motion to rescind the original motion and table for the next 6 months.

Pierce Massey discusses possible community exposure for the GKKC such as the Gray Ticker Tape, which would provide visibility for our organization.

GKKC Member, Dannie Lee, will be heading the committee to bring a proposal regarding the topic of Junior handlers and the possibility of a junior scholarship being offered in the future. Debbie Sullivan offered her assistance with this committee.

The board recommended Brian King’s application for membership. A vote was taken, and Brian King was unanimously voted in as a member.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM.

Carrie Hodges, Recording Secretary

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