Club Minutes

2024 GKKC Premiums & Local Show Information

August 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

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Greater Kingsport Kennel Club Board meeting was held on August 21, 2023, at Raffaele’s in Colonial Heights and called to order at 6:04 PM by President, Andrew Moore.

Board members present were Andrew Moore, Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Karen Dooley, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Julie Webster, and Brian King.

The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.  The CD earnings were discussed and it was noted that we can’t withdraw our money early and then reinvest at higher rates due to early withdrawal fees offsetting the higher rates.  If we leave the money in the CD’s until their maturity date, we’ll receive the full principal plus interest upon withdrawal.  We can then reinvest at higher interest-bearing CD rates.

The Judge’s committee emails were discussed, it was determined the committee would be asked to attend the board meeting in September.  The current committee consists of Pam Jones, Tom Kirstein, Debbie Sullivan, and Sandy Alexander.  The board would like to further understand the process and issues.

GKKC merchandise options were discussed, Andrew will check into our options.  Rhonda will provide him the emblem jpeg file.

Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.

Rhonda Gibbs, Acting Recording Secretary

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