GKKC General Meeting: September 23, 2024
GKKC general meeting was held on September 23rd, 2024 at the Gray Community Chest and was called to order by Diane Bauman, President at 6:40 PM.
Members present were: Judy Pinkevich, Debbie Sullivan, David Richman, Kimberly Williams, Diane Bauman, Dannie Lee, Brenda Grable, Valda Currier, Joe Currier, Julie Webster, Pam Jones, Andrew Moore, Carrie Kruska, Brian King, Karen Dooley, Donna Hamm, Pam McDonald, Brooke Sawyer, Joy Ellis, Randy Limitone, and Lorrie Geyer- Limitone.
Visitors present were: Jane Chapman, Ceil A. Taylor, William Taylor, and Donna Kester.
The July 20, 2024, General Meeting minutes were read and approved as presented.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Dooley was accepted and approved as presented.
GKKC President, Diane Bauman, reports the Gray Community Chest is difficult to contact and arrange yearly rental of facility.
David Richman, Corresponding Secretary, reports the October 28 potluck will begin at 6:00 PM and the GKKC will provide pizza, water and paper goods.
Karen Dooley will send out the password for website access for those new members who should gain access once membership has been approved.
Brian King reports for the Agility Committee: location for the GKKC agility trial will be located at Three Bulls Farm in Bulls Gap; all campsites available have been reserved; final details will be completed soon. In addition, there will be a couple of improvements to the agility trial as we have asked Three Bulls Farm to open the large side door for additional viewing area as well as the external ring will be the location of the practice jump; September 30th is the closing date of the upcoming agility trial. The Agility Committee has yet to decide whether they will use the agility gate app.
Brenda Grable, Obedience/Rally Committee Chair, would like someone to step up for leadership of the Obedience and Rally Trial in May 2026.
In May 2025, there will be Junior Showmanship classes offered and those interested in the GKKC Junior Committee please e-mail Dannie Lee, if interested.
Pam Jones, Confirmation Committee Chair, reports there is a trophy donation chair needed for the upcoming show and the position of the grooming chair has been accepted.
Havanese Club of America has contacted GKKC and is interested in renting out mats for an upcoming trial and wondering if the club may be able to assist.
Dr. Sharon Brunzlick, veterinarian, and a mid-distant sled dog racer presented an informative canine program.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Carrie Kruska, Recording Secretary
October 2024 General Meeting Minutes
Posted by GKKC
November 27, 2024
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