Club Minutes

2024 GKKC Premiums & Local Show Information

June 2016 Board Meeting

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Board Minutes 6/13/16
Members present: Kimberly Williams, Tom Kirstein, Gynis Littlewood, Darlene Robbins, Ben Gibbs, and Trudy Price
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM. April 12 meeting minutes were read by Glynis and approved as read.
Treasurer’s report was provided by Kim Williams. Expenses from the May conformation show are still being paid by Kim.
New members Darcy Kallus, Craig Kallus, David Richman, & Barbara Salberg-Richman were accepted by the board and vote will be held in regular monthly meeting on June 27.
Kominek’s application could not be read because one of the sponsors, Eileen Bailey, had not been a club member for one year.
Glynis will check into having booklets printed.
Information for Board Member insurance was submitted by Kim Williams. Ben Gibbs made motion to purchase $1M coverage for board members. Tom Kirstein seconded motion. Glynis will check regarding coverage and email board members with the information.
Glynis advised Karen Riddle has concerns about board and general meeting minutes being publicly posted on website. Website will have to be reprogrammed to restrict this information and password protect it. Tom Kirstein made motion that general and board meeting minutes be password protected. Board will make recommendation to GKKC members.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM

Trudy Price, Acting Secretary