GKKC General Meeting 4/23/2018 at the Appalachian Fairgrounds was called to order by Ben Gibbs, President at 7:02 PM
• Member present: Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Brenda Grable, Tom Kirsten, Trudy Price, Val Currier, Joe Currier, Pierce Massey, Pam Miller, Julie Webster, Kim Williams, Sherry Crossley, Walter Crossley, Sheila Leonard, Pam Jones, Judy Pinkevich, Glynis Littlewood, Darlene Robbins, Barbara Salberg-Richmond, David Richmond, Dee Wildenstein, Cindy Hintz, Mary Sparks, Darcy Kallus, and Craig Kallus
• Visitors present were Karen Dooley, karen37617@yahoo.com, Andrew Moore, and.moore@yahoo.com, and Deanna Moore.
• March 26th general meeting minutes read and approved as presented.
• Treasurers report read and approved as presented.
• May 2018 show topics show discussed
• May 2019 show:
o Judges discussed, reported the judges were found for 2019 show and working on contracts.
• Nominating committee presented nominees to secretary, to be emailed to club.
• Rhonda Gibbs made motion that Corresponding Secretary may make a $50 contribution to requested beneficiary in obituary in lieu of flowers for club members who have an immediate family member pass away. The motion was seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
• The following people were voted in as new members: Kristy Jones, Ray Jones, and Carrie Hodges
• The following people were reinstated as members: JoAnn Marques and Joe Marques
• Craig Kallus spoke on Karakachan breed of dog.
• Meeting adjourned at 7:42 PM
Darcy Kallus, Recording Secretary
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