GKKC General Meeting on April 25, 2022, at Appalachian Fairgrounds was called to order by Brenda Grable, Treasurer, at 6:35 PM.
Members present were: Michelle Kruger, Kendalyn Kruger, Kim Williams, Trudy Price, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Dannie Lee, Brenda Grable, Pam Jones, Pam Bradbury, Glynis Littlewood, Andrew & Deanna Moore, Sheila Leonard, Pam Miller, Julie Webster, Kristy Jones, Karen Smith, Katie Smiley, Phyllis & Greg Rodgers.
Guests present were Brian King (bmking31@comcast.net), Kat & James Manning (gymdog.pet@gmail.com), and David Bradbury.
No previous general meeting minutes were presented. No reports from President, Recording Secretary, or Corresponding Secretary.
Treasurer’s report was accepted and approved as presented by Brenda Grable.
The potluck was held prior to the meeting.
Pam Jones discussed the need of volunteers Thursday-Sunday for the May show. Joanne needs assistance for hospitality. Boy Scouts will be working Saturday and Sunday.
Andrew Moore gave the report for the Nominating Committee. The following members have been nominated for the given positions: President – Ben Gibbs, Vice President – Andrew Moore, 2nd Vice President – Barbara Salberg-Richman, Treasurer – Brenda Grable, Corresponding Secretary – David Richman; 2yr Board members – Katie Smiley, Michelle Kruger; 1yr Board members – Kim Williams, Rhonda Gibbs, Trudy Price
Presentation given by Kat and James Manning from GymDog, in Elizabethton. GymDog is working to build a Flyball team in our area, so that a team may be ready to compete in October of 2022.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:59 PM.
Michelle Kruger, 2nd Vice President
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