Greater Kingsport Kennel Club Board meeting was held on April 22, 2024, at the Gray Community Chest in Gray and called to order at 5:54 PM by President, Andrew Moore.
Board members present were Andrew Moore, Carrie Kruska, Rhonda Gibbs, Karen Dooley, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Julie Webster, and Brian King.
Discussed having May meeting either the Monday before or after the regular scheduled meeting of 05/27/24 due to the holiday. Discussed allowing email nominations for the new board but decided not allowed per constitution and bylaws. It was decided that May 20 wasn’t a good option. Andrew Moore made a nomination to propose to the general club members that this meeting be moved to 06/03/24 and Karen Dooley 2nd it. Motion passed.
Contact is willing to come to the club meeting to discuss AKC reunite. They will attend the July 22, 2024, meeting and do a presentation.
New storage facility has been rented.
Meeting adjourned at 6:25 PM.
Carrie Kruska, Recording Secretary
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