Club Minutes

2024 GKKC Premiums & Local Show Information

April 2024 General Meeting Minutes

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Greater Kingsport Kennel Club General meeting April 22, 2024, was called to order at 6:35 PM by President, Andrew Moore.

Members present: Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Kim Williams, Andrew Moore, DeAnna Moore, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Diane Bauman, Vicky Pinto, Donna Hamm, Carrie Kruska, Karen Dooley, Beth Kortze, Jean Postingle, Diane Sobel-Meyer, Joy Ellis, Brian King,  Dannie Lee, Judy Pinkevich, Brenda Grable, and Pam Jones.

Guests: Lauren Smith, Dustin Dishner, Randy Limitone, and Lorrie Geyer-Limitone.

General Meeting Minutes for March 2024 were approved as read.

Treasurers report was emailed to club members. Accepted as presented.

Judy Pinkevich and Barbara Salberg-Richman discussed Pet Insurance Options for our Monthly Program.

Committee reports: Pam Jones informed on the May 2024 specifics discussing that the life-saving support by EMS has been confirmed. Show Committee Chair discussed the need for volunteers for Sunday Hospitality. In addition, anyone having a conflict with volunteering and their ring time should see Pam Jones. Trophy Donations will be accepted for the basket raffle items.

New Business:

Discussion of May Meeting moved to a different date due to the Monthly General Meeting falling on the Memorial Day Holiday on May 27. 1st Motion by Andrew Moore to move General Meeting to June 3 from May 27 Date for “May Monthly Meeting”.

Any charity in the name of a GKKC Member’s loved one who may pass away will be organized by Brenda Grable.

Discussion of the new storage facility and the need for 2 additional shelves and acquiring a new lock with numbers rather than key access to the new storage facility.

Old Business:

Membership applications: Applications for Myra Street-Nelson, Vicky Pinto, Curt Zeiger, and Lauren Smith were read, and secret ballots cast for electing them as members. All were unanimously approved for membership.

Membership dues will remain the same as the previous year and will be due by June 2024.


Meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM

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