Greater Kingsport Kennel Club General meeting February 24, 2020 was called to order at 7:01 PM by Vice-President, Trudy Price.
Members present: Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Kim Williams, Pierce Massey, Andrew Moore, DeAnna Moore, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Diane Bauman, Robert Potter, Pam Jones, Sandy Alexander, Carrie Hodges, Val Currier, and Joe Currier.
Guests: Brooke Salyer, Laura Freeman, Rhiannon Freeman, Phyllis Portera, Greg Rodgers, Mitch Fishlowitz, Cherrie Fishlowitz, and Pamela Bradbury.
General Meeting Minutes for December 2019 and January 2020 were approved as read.
Treasurers report was emailed to club members. Accepted as presented.
Committee reports
Conformation Show:
Pam Jones discussed the May 2020 show reporting no changes to be made to the show list.
Scentwork Trial:
Committee Chair reported a need for volunteers at the March 14th and 15th event scheduled from 8am to 6pm. Volunteers are needed to work four-hour shifts.
New Business:
Reminder of the Potluck Event at 6PM for the upcoming March Meeting.
Discussion of using the Appalachian Fairgrounds as an alternative site for the annual Club Picnic in July if there were inclement weather.
March 7th-Mary Sparks and Never a Dull Moment Farm will have a Barn Hunt Fun Test to see if your dog may be interested in Barn Hunt.
Previously, sound quality for attendees at the General Meetings has been addressed; therefore, 1st motion was made by Diane Bauman and 2nd motion by Rhonda Gibbs for the purchase of a voice amplifier to be used at General Meetings. Motion Passed. Ben Gibbs will correspond with Brenda Grable on the possible purchase of a voice amplifier for the Club.
Old Business:
Membership applications:
Phyllis Portera: 1st reading of application
Greg Rodgers: 1st reading of application
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM
Carrie Hodges, Recording Secretary
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