Club Minutes

2024 GKKC Premiums & Local Show Information

February 2024 General Meeting Minutes

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Greater Kingsport Kennel Club General meeting February 27, 2024 was called to order at 6:34PM by President, Andrew Moore.

Members present: Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Kim Williams, Andrew Moore, DeAnna Moore, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Carrie Kruska, Karen Dooley, Jean Postingle, Diane Sobel-Meyer, Joy Ellis, Julie Webster, Brian King, Debbie Sullivan, Dannie Lee, Judy Pinkevich, Brenda Grable, and Pam Jones.

Guests: Lauren Smith, James Gee, Debarah Billings, Tina Mack, Curt Zeiger, Lorrie Geyer-Limitone and Jeremy Smith.

General Meeting Minutes for November 2023 and December 2023 were approved as read.

Treasurers report was emailed to club members. Accepted as presented.

Committee reports
Conformation Show:

Pam Jones discussed the May 2024 show reporting contracts are confirmed for May 2024 and donations are needed for the basket raffle. May 16 will be reserved for Obedience set-up and May 17, 18 and 19, for Obedience, Rally and Conformation events. Eye Clinic with Dr.Ward on Saturday, May 18, 2024 has been scheduled.

New Business:

Reminder of the Potluck Event at 6PM for the upcoming March 25 Meeting at the Gray Community Chest.

June 4th, 2024-GKKC Member Joy Ellis will offer Farm Dog Certification at her farm.

Debbie Sullivan of the East TN Vizsla Club would like to have supported entries for the upcoming GKKC Show in May.

Dannie Lee discussed on April 6th, 2024, there will be a Barn Hunt Fun Trail held at Never a Dull Moment Farm (NADM) with on-line entries.

There was discussion of procuring the new storage facility the specifics involving the contract.

Old Business:

Membership applications:

Applications for Teresa Salyer, Debarah Billings and Anastasia Billings were read and secret ballots cast for electing them as members. All were unanimously approved for membership.

Jeremy Smith: 1st reading of application

Lauren Smith:  1st reading of application

Myra Nelson:  1st reading of application

Curt Zeiger:  1st reading of application

Meeting adjourned at 7:16 PM

Carrie Hodges, Recording Secretary

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