The Greater Kingsport Kennel Club met on Friday, July 11,2014,
at the Eastman Recreation Area, Shelter H0. The meeting was
called to order by President, Elaine Taylor, a17.40 PM. This was
the annual club picnic.
Members present were Elaine Taylor, Darlene Robbins, Judy
Grindstaff, Judy Pinkevich, Dottie Foulk, Tammy Taylor, Garry
Elliott, Glynnis Littlewood, Brenda Grable, Nancy Seabolt and
Eddie Seabolt. Guests were Russell Robbins and Jason
Minutes from the June club meeting were read and approved.
No Treasurer’s report was available.
lnfo for website
Dottie Foulk, who had previously done the website, had paid Go-
Daddy for future use. Go Daddy is our domain provider for
www.qkkc.orq and does our online storage. The club pays a
monthly fee for their software ($9.9S month). The renewal for Go
Daddy is in August , 2014. We have agreed to renew for 2 more
months until the new web designer takes over. Go Daddy has
been paid through 2020. We are not sure if the new web
designer can use Go Daddy. Rhonda Johnson is to contact
Dottie for passwords and to transfer control of website to the new
administrator. Mikki Barker of Web Concepts LLC, has given
Rhonda Johnson, pricing to set up a new website with costs of
$SO0 to set up the website and $100 per page. We currently have
5 pages. A members only page would be password protected.
Rhonda is to talk to Web Concepts about charges not to exceed
$1000 without coming back to the board for approval.
Glynnis Littlewood made the motion to let Rhonda go ahead to
work with Dottie and Web concepts. Brenda Grable 2nd the
motion. Motion passed.
Kim Williams had the change made on the club logo changing the
paw print from 3 toes to 4 toes. Glynnis Littlewood made the
motion to make the change on the logo. Garry Elliott 2nd the
The picnic attendees would like to thank Darlene Robbins for
picking up the food for the picnic and Garry Elliott for getting all
the supplies and setting up the tables
Garry Elliott has agreed to be the Club Hospitality Chair for the
coming year. He will do the picnic and the 2 club potluck dinners.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40
Darlene Robbins
Acting Recording Secretary
July 2014 General Meeting Minutes
Posted by GKKC
August 16, 2016
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