GKKC General Meeting on 06/26/2023 at the Gray Community Chest was called to order by Ben Gibbs, President, at 6:31 PM.
Members present were: Rhonda Gibbs, Ben Gibbs, Kimberly Williams, Trudy Price, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Dannie Lee, Michelle Kruger, Andrew Moore, DeAnna Moore, Pamela Bradbury, Brenda Grable, Judy Pinkevich, Karen Dooley, Julie Webster, Jean Postingle, Diane Sobel-Meyer, Joy Ellis, Carrie Kruska, Glynis Littlewood, Pam Jones, Diane Bauman, Pam McDonald, Karen Smith, and Brian King.
Visitors present were: Stacy Debord (debord89@yahoo.com)
May 22, 2023, general meeting minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
The Show Committee Chair discussed that MBF will have an increase of $840 for 2024. Therefore, Pam Jones made the motion to increase the 1st entry to $34, 2nd entry to $30, 4-6 month class will be $22 and $5 for Junior exhibitors. Barabara Salberg-Richman seconded the motion to increase entry fees for the May 2024 Conformation show.
The committee makes the following nominations for the 2023 – 2024 board:
President – Andrew Moore
1st Vice President – Ben Gibbs
2nd Vice President – Barbara Salberg-Richman
Treasurer –Karen Dooley
Recording Secretary – Carrie Kruska
Corresponding Secretary – David Richman
2-year board term (even year) – Michelle Kruger
2-year board term (even year) – Katie Smiley
2-year board term (odd year) – Brian King
2-year board term (odd year) – Julie Webster
1-year board position – Rhonda Gibbs
Since there were no nominations from the floor at the general meeting in May, Rhonda Gibbs made a motion that the new slate of officers be accepted by acclamation. Pam Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
The board recommended Beth Kortze’s and Robert Edmonds’ applications for membership. A vote was taken and Beth Kortze’s and Robert Edmonds’ were unanimously voted in as GKKC members.
For the June GKKC meeting, Glynnis Littlewood provided an engaging and informational presentation on the Irish Wolfhound.
The treasurer reminded members to pay their dues.
The annual picnic will be on 07/24 @ 6:00PM at the Gray Community Chest. Members are encouraged to bring side dishes and desserts. The main entree will be supplied by the GKKC.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 PM
Carrie Kruska, Recording Secretary
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