Club Minutes

2024 GKKC Premiums & Local Show Information

March 2017 General Meeting Minutes

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GKKC General Meeting on 03/27/2017 at Appalachian Fairgrounds was called to order by Ben Gibbs, President, at 7:30 PM.

Members present were: Rhonda Gibbs, Ben Gibbs, Kim Williams, Trudy Price, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Brenda Grable, Tom Kirstein, Warren Quinn, Darlene Robbins, Glynis Littlewood, Judy Pinkevich, Pierce Massey, Sheila Leonard, Sherry Crossley, Walter Crossley, Dee Wildenstein, Darcy Kallus, Craig Kallus, Patrick Pelletti, and Janice Pelletti.

Visitors present were: Holly Clark, Jacob Grindstaff, Caitlin Bell, and Jeremy Bell.

February 27, 2017 general meeting minutes were read and approved as presented.

Treasurer’s report was accepted and approved as presented.

The premium for the May show is being printed. The food vendor will be the Eagle Scouts. Glynis Littlewood will provide Darcy Kallus a list of show chair responsibilities.

There was discussion regarding the FASTCAT show and whether it is out of compliance with GKKC Constitution Section 3 which states the club shall not be conducted or operated for profit and no part of any profits or remainder or residue from dues or donations of the Club shall be used to the benefit of any members or individual. AKC was contacted regarding the issue and said it is the board and members responsibility to interpret the Constitution and Bylaws. GKKC will receive 10% of the profits of the FASTCAT event after AKC recording fees and will also receive $300.00 to cover half the club liability insurance for the year. CIA Dog Training (Judy Pinkevich) responsibilities are: Secretarial services, equipment, site rental, AKC fees, workers, half insurance premium, grounds upkeep and set up/clean up, ribbons and awards, and worker’s raffle and refreshments. GKKC responsibilities are: venue insurance and AKC affiliation. Pierce Massey made a motion that the FASTCAT event be approved for May 2017, Walter Crossley seconded the motion. Voting results: 14 in favor, 1 not in favor, and 6 abstained. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Rhonda Gibbs, Acting Recording Secretary

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