Club Minutes

2024 GKKC Premiums & Local Show Information

March 2019 General Meeting Minutes

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• Greater Kingsport Kennel Club general meeting Monday, March 25, 2019 at Appalachian Fairgrounds was called to order 7PM by President, Ben Gibbs.
• Members present Carlie LeBlanc, Jan LeBlanc, Karen Dooley, Michelle Kruger, Kendalyn Kruger, Pam Jones, Darcy Kallus, Joe Marques, JoAnn Marques, Pierce Massey, Craig Kallus, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Trudy Price, Brenda Grable, Carrie Hodges, Andrew Moore, DeAnna Moore, Diane Bauman, Robert Potter, Patrick Pelletti, Janice Pelletti, Kimberly Williams, Sherry Crossley, Judy Pinkevich, Sheila Leonard, Pam Miller.
• Guests present Karen Schavrien, Lloyd Graser (, Saskia Sowers (, Debbie Sullivan (, Sandy Alexander (, Jennifer Nelson (, Lyn Hyman ( Lindsey McCurry (
• Minutes for February approved as read.
• Treasurers report: Kim Williams reports that more has been spent than has been taken in over the past month. Kim comments that this is normal for this time of year as we prepare for the trials and events in the next months. Kim made available paper document should anyone wish to review it at meeting.
• Committee reports
o Conformation Show
 Pam Jones:
• Judges have been hired for May 2020 conformation show.
• Premium list is in from MBF and handed out to those who requested a copy at the meeting.
• Contract back from Boy Scouts for grounds and show clean up
• Notified members at meeting that we will need volunteers to help set up for show on May 16th. It was noted that Fast Cat event will be set up for same time and can help with conformation show set up.
• It was noted that Dean Lake will be doing outdoor photos at Fast Cat event. Judy Pinkevich as a professional courtesy contacted Kit Rodwell from Flash Kat photos to have a separate photographer for the separate event on the same grounds as Kit would be doing formal win photos at the conformation event. It was reported that Kit found the photography situation acceptable for her professional purposes.
• Repeat discussion regarding the lattice back drop for table
o Lattice is difficult to store in storage unit and makes access to other club supplies difficult
o Lattice is difficult to set up and take down for the May conformation event
o Discussed purchasing photo back drop to replace lattice as it is easier to store, easier to set up and easier to take down
o It was remarked that this had been seen at other shows and photo back drop is looks good and makes good impression.
• Motion made by Rhonda Gibbs for $200 to be used by committee to purchase back drop to replace lattice. Seconded by Pierce Massey. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

o Scent Trial, end of March 2019
 Kim Williams reports that she has a good number of volunteers to help with scent work trial .
o Obedience/Rally trial on Friday May 17th
 Brenda Grable reports that we will have 3 rings open
o Nominating committee met 03/21/19
Members are Rhonda Gibbs, Andrew Moore, and Craig Kallus. Alternates are Judy Pinkevich and David Richman
• Unfinished/Old Business,
o Funfest Dog Show
 Discussion on benefits of advertising for club
 Jan LeBlanc to email President Ben Gibbs with information and detailed request for volunteers to be sent to club members by email
 Jan LeBlanc reports that approximately 6 volunteers are needed for event
 Event will be July 15, 2019 at the Allendale Mansion in Kingsport, TN
o AED purchase.
 Carrie Hodges reports
• options of refurbished vs new,
• whether to purchase pediatric pads for AED,
• Who will maintain device?
• Liability (usually covered by Good Samaritan laws)
• Do we want fixed location or mobile?
 Discussion:
• Indication that we prefer new to refurbished
• We believe Fairgrounds manager, Phil, would be willing to be responsible for maintenance of AED as it will become a stationary fixture to the fairgrounds as donated by our club.
• Plan: Judy Pinkevich to work out particulars with fairgrounds manager and club to come to final decision on purchase for April 2019 club meeting so as to have AED device in place for May 2019 club event at fairgrounds.
• New Business
o Saskia Sowers and JoAnn Marques introduced idea of having a herding event bringing trained sheep to the fairgrounds for May show in lower barn.
 Discussion:
• Pam Miller who also has trained herding sheep suggested to work together with Saskia on the event idea and suggested that Diane Bauman who also has trained sheep may like to participate.
• It was discussed that it maybe not enough time to plan this for May 2019 but would be a good idea for May 2020
• It was also proposed that something could be done in coordination with next Fast Cat at the fairgrounds
o Pam Miller suggested Herpetologist to come and speak to club on avoiding snakes.
 Herpetologist charges $50 for 4 hours.
 Suggested that Herpetologist come to club and speak for 30 min to see if we would like to hire for 4-hour presentation.
• Debbie Sullivan’s application was read for the 1st time.
• Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

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