GKKC general meeting minutes May 28, 2018
• • Greater Kingsport Kennel Club general meeting Monday, May 28, 2018 called to order 7:00 PM by President, Ben Gibbs.
• Members present Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Brenda Grable, Glynis Littlewood, Darlene Robbins, Val Currier, Tom Kirstein, Darcy Kallus, Trudy Price, Julie Webster, Craig Kallus, Judy Pinkevich, Sheila Leonard, Kristy Jones, Ray Jones, Walter Crossley, Sherry Crossley, Kim Williams, Dee Wildenstein
• Guest present Andrew Moore (and_moore@yahoo.com), Katie Smiley (ktsmiley.kat@gmail.com), Lyn Hyman (lync@gmail.com), Curt Zeiger (zcurt@yahoo.com )
• Minutes for April 23, 2018 read and approved as read.
• Treasurers report by Brenda Grable read and approved as presented.
• Treasurer reviewed approximate earnings from the show to be about $5000. Not all debits and credits calculated yet.
• Discussion as to whether to continue using the boy scouts for cleanup duty. They do good job in the main building for clean up however there were dog messes which were not detected in the upper area of the fairgrounds.
• Judy Pinkevich reported that the club is to receive approximately $800 for the Fast Cat.
• A motion was made by Glynis Littlewood to reimburse Tom Kirsten $70 for providing meals and board to sweepstake Judge, Jan Swayze, during the all-breed show. Motion was seconded by Ben Gibbs. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
• Changes to original nominations made. Nominations as follows: President: Ben Gibbs, 1st Vice president: Brenda Grable, 2nd Vice President: Pam Miller, Treasurer: Kim Williams, Recording Secretary: Darcy Kallus, Corresponding Secretary: Rhonda Gibbs, 2-year board term: Pierce Massey, 2-year board term, Val Currier, 1-year Board term: Sherry Crossley. Both Trudy Price and Barbara Salberg-Richman have 1 year remaining of their 2-year term.
• Nominations requested from the floor by president, Ben Gibbs. No nominations were presented from the floor.
• New business:
o Discussion initiated by Rhonda Gibbs regarding former treasurer, Gayle Green. Gayle Green had embezzled money from the Greater Kingsport Kennel Club in recent past years. Now that her case is settled in federal court and she was convicted and sentenced it is was suggested that we can now correct accounting issues resulting from her actions. Gayle Green had misappropriated funds from The Basket Club where she was also treasurer to the Greater Kingsport Kennel Club in the amount of $3000. Rhonda Gibbs made a motion that $3000 is to be reimbursed to the Basket Club. Motion was seconded by Val Currier. Discussion ensued. Vote was taken by show of hands. 2 abstained and the rest voted to approve reimbursement of $3000 to TBA. Motion passed.
• New Member applications read for Andrew Moore and Deana Moore. This is the first reading of the application.
• Picnic meeting in August discussed. It is believed that Barbara Salberg-Richman and David Richman will be coordinating picnic meeting.
• Kim Williams discussed the possibility of the club starting a nosework event. She said our club needs 5 people with experience in nosework. It was offered to Kim that Craig Kallus and Darcy Kallus have some experience with nosework. Discussion to continue.
• Meeting adjourned at 7:52 PM
Darcy Kallus, Recording Secretary
May 2018 General Meeting Minutes
Posted by GKKC
June 26, 2018
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