Club Minutes

2024 GKKC Premiums & Local Show Information

May 2024 General Meeting Minutes (held 06/03/24 due to holiday)

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GKKC May (June 3) 2024 General Minutes

The Greater Kingsport Kennel Club General meeting was held Monday, June 3, 2024, at the Gray Community Chest and was called to order at 6:40 PM by President, Andrew Moore.

Members present were: Diane Bauman, Pam McDonald, Kimberly Williams, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Brenda Grable, Pamela Bradbury, Donna Hamm, Pam Miller, Debbie Sullivan, Julie Webster, Brian King, Pam McDonald, Judy Pinkevich, Dannie Lee, Pam Jones, Dannie Lee, Andrew Moore,Joe Currier, Val Currier, Carrie Kruska and Karen Dooley.

Visitors present were:  Megen Mosier (, Kimberley Hock (, and Andrew Proffitt (

The April 2024 general meeting minutes were read by Carrie Kruska and approved as read.

Treasurer’s report was read by Karen Dooley and accepted as presented.

Storage Facility has now been rented and shelves have been installed.

Show Committee Chair reports very successful May Conformation and GKKC very appreciative of the assistance and help from the GKKC Members. Many title ribbons given out at GKKC Conformation Show. Very thankful for the EMS and Boy Scouts Show Chair. EMS was 2 hours late on Saturday. Pam Jones discussed the offering of the Eye Clinic by Dr. Lewis at the May Confirmation Show. Entries were an increase of 12% from previous years and netted around $6600. No increase in charges in Confirmation Show for next year. Discussed placing an Ad in Premium for Mastiff National Show in May 2025.

Brian King reports that the Nomination Committee in preparation for the upcoming annual elections for GKKC Officers and Board, the Nomination Committee [Diane Bauman, Pam Miller, Brian King, Sandy Alexander (alternate), Judy Pinkevich (alternate)] had met on March 22, 2024, in Chuckey, TN and spent a good part of the month of April in deliberations and discussions to arrive at the following nominations for GKKC Officers and Board for the July 2024 – June 2025 duration:

President – Diane Bauman

First Vice President – Joy Ellis

Second Vice President – Pam Miller

Treasurer – Karen Dooley

Secretary – Carrie Kruska

Corresponding Secretary- David Richman

2-year Board Term (current) – Julie Webster

2-year Board Term (current) – Brian King

2-year Board Term (new) – Donna Hamm

2-year Board Term (new) – Brooke Salyer

1-year Board Term (past president) – Andrew Moore

The GKKC asked for any nominations from the floor and there were no nominations. Additional nominations can be made from any other Club Member by email provided that it is known that the person being nominated is willing to accept the nomination. On June 24, 2024, the Election will be held to be done by acclimation according to the constitution.

David Richman has not heard back from the organization wanting a donation for a rescue trailer specifically for animals.

Tina Mack: 1st reading of application

Andre Proffitt: 1st reading of application

Megen Mosier: 1st reading of application

Kimberly Hock: 1st reading of application

Our next General Meeting will be June 24, 2024.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.

Carrie Hodges, Recording Secretary


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