GKKC General Meeting on 10/24/16 at Appalachian Fairgrounds was called to order by Ben Gibbs, President, at 7:30 PM.
Members present were: Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Sherry Crossley, Walter Crossley, Sheila Leonard, Kimberly Williams, Judy Pinkevich, Pierce Massey, Karen Riddle, Brenda Grable, Trudy Price, Darlene Robbins, Barbara Salberg-Richman, David Richman, and Glynis Littlewood.
September 26, 2016 minutes were read and approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s report was accepted and approved as presented.
Agility show committee report was given, the 10/16 show made a profit of $1,744.69.
Rhonda Gibbs made a motion to bond all 4 officers, that have check signing authority, if the bond can be obtained for $600 or less. Glynis Littlewood seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The GKKC Christmas party will be 12/2/16 @ 7:00 @ Bella Vita in Johnson City. The club will provide appetizers.
Dr. Monica Marshall, an animal and human chiropractor from Bristol, will speak at our November 28th general meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.
Rhonda Gibbs, Acting Recording Secretary
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