• Greater Kingsport Kennel Club general meeting Monday, October 22, 2018 at Appalachian Fairgrounds was called to order 7:51 PM by President, Ben Gibbs.
o Meeting was called to order after pot-luck dinner and guest speaker, Constable Bill Creasy.
Pot luck supper was organized by Barbara Salberg-Richman
Constable Bill Creasy is an expert on scent training in dogs and spoke on his experience with scent training for service dogs, bomb detection, bed bug detection, drug detection, and cadaver scent detection.
• Members present Ben Gibbs, Rhonda Gibbs, Brenda Grable, Andrew Moore, DeAnna Moore, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Pam Jones, Pam Miller, Val Currier, Joe Currier, Brenda Grable, Judy Pinkevich, Mary Sparks, Darcy Kallus, Craig Kallus, Trudy Price, Kimberly Williams, Sheila Leonard, Pierce Massey, and Carrie Hodges
• Guest present Katie Smiley, Mat Miller, Diane Bauman, Bob Potter, Kendalyn Kruger, Michelle Kruger, Karen Dooley, and Marcia Higgins (mdhiggins@live.com)
• Minutes for September read and approved as read.
• Treasurers report by Kim Williams not read, approved as presented in email to club members.
o Ben Gibbs brought up that a $50,000 CD matures on November 23, 2018. Discussion ensued on what do with money after maturation.
Suggested was to reinvest and use interest for scholarships for juniors at club events as prizes.
Pierce Massey volunteered to investigate CD and investment options by next club meeting.
• Committee reports
o Agility trial
Judy Pinkevich reports
• October 2018 trial had more expenses however still made an estimated profit of $4300.00.
• Had a very large turn out and attributes this to new Premier classes
• Event was well received and had many compliments
o Conformation Show
Pam Jones reports that planning is on its way for May 2019 all-breed show.
• Pam Requests that members submit their trophy donation forms. Trophy donations due by GKKC (Greater Kingsport Kennel Club)
Christmas Dinner/ club meeting.
• Judges committee had met, and judge commitments have been validated for the show.
• Contact with Gray Ruritan has been made to do concessions for show again this year. We are awaiting response.
• Discussion on negotiating with Boy Scouts fee for service of clean up at the show discussed.
o Concerns were their lack of clean up on the grounds
Darlene Robbins has already discussed this issue with them and had ascertained that they are negotiable on pay for service fee.
Pam Jones had noted that poop bag stations will be established with the 2019 show.
• Old Business
o AKC Public education requirement
Ben Gibbs contacted AKC and determined the Funfest “fun dog show” in July does not meet public education requirements.
Judy to contact AKC to receive public education material to display at the GKKC’s events to meet requirement for public education.
Judy Pinkevich to follow up with Jan and Charlie regarding Funfest and whether to continue with club support of the event.
• New business:
o CD maturation already discussed after treasurer report.
• Discussion:
o Christmas party/ club meeting to be on December 1, 2018, 6:30 PM at the Chop House in Kingsport, TN. The club will provide appetizers.
• New Member applications read.
o Karen Dooley, second reading.
o Jesse Kruger, first reading.
o Michelle Kruger, first reading.
o Kendalyn Kruger, first reading
o Katie Smiley already read twice at previous meeting and to be reviewed at next board meeting.
• Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM
Darcy Kallus
Recording Secretary
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