GKKC General Meeting on 09/25/2017 at Appalachian Fairgrounds was called to order by Ben Gibbs, President, at 7:35 PM.
Members present were: Rhonda Gibbs, Ben Gibbs, Kim Williams, Trudy Price, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Brenda Grable, Darlene Robbins, Judy Pinkevich, Pierce Massey, Sheila Leonard, Pam Jones, Sherry Crossley, Cindy Hintz, Darcy Kallus, Craig Kallus, and Eileen Bailey.
Visitors present were: Julie Webster and Pam Miller.
July 24, 2017 general meeting minutes were read and approved as presented.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
Conformation show chair discussed positions that needed to be filled for the May 2018 show.
Agility chair discussed the October show. Looks like there are enough workers. There will be two matches, one hosted by GKKC and the other by Todd Buchla on behalf of Georgia Buchla Cancer Research Fund.
A motion was presented from the board recommending we have 2 obedience shows indoors on May 18, 2018. After discussion of additional expenditures of $500 for the building and $1,000-$1,800 for MBF, the motion passed with 16 approving, 0 opposing, and 1 abstaining.
The following standing rules were recommended by the standing rules committee to be passed:
-Board members are limited to 6 years in office, then must rotate off the board 2 years before they can serve again.
This motion passed after discussions with 13 approving, 2 opposing, and 2 abstaining.
-Board liability insurance will be maintained in an amount determined by the board. (Currently Equisure).
This motion passed with 16 approving, 0 opposing, and 1 abstaining.
-Board members should familiarize themselves with the Constitution and By-Laws, the Standing Rules, the Guidebook for Tennessee Nonprofits, and Roberts Rules.
This motion passed with 16 approving, 0 opposing, and 1 abstaining.
Paul and Janet Schneider’s applications were read for the second time. Julie Webster’s application was read for the first time.
The board recommended Pam Miller’s application for membership. A vote was taken and Pam Miller was unanimously voted in as a member.
Supported entries were discussed. The supported entry generally is allowed to choose a judge from those hired by the club. They also have a sweepstakes judge. Eileen Bailey requested to have Rhodesian Ridgeback supported entries for both Saturday and Sunday. She will provide the president with the appropriate paperwork.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Darcy Kallus, Recording Secretary
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