Club Minutes

2024 GKKC Premiums & Local Show Information

September 2023 General Meeting Minutes

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The Greater Kingsport Kennel Club General meeting was held September 25, 2023, at the Gray Community Chest and was called to order at 6:31PM by President, Andrew Moore.

Members present were: Brian King, Rhonda Gibbs, Kim Williams, David Richman, Barbara Salberg-Richman, Julie Webster, Pam Jones, Brenda Grable, Karen Riddle, Tom Kirstein, Judy Pinkevich, Dannie Lee, Pam Miller, DeAnna Moore, Andrew Moore, Beth Kortze, Donna Hamm, Karen Dooley, Joy Ellis, Diane Sobel-Meyer, Jean Ponstingle, Carrie Kruska, and Debbie Sullivan.

Visitors present were: Myra Nelson ( and Curt Zeiger (

The July General meeting minutes were read and an amendment was necessary per Pam Jones that the “Judge Contracts for 2025 are NOT confirmed” and remaining minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer’s report was read and accepted as presented by Karen Dooley.

Potluck will be held on October 23 at 6pm at the Gray Community Chest, which will be organized by Barbara Salberg-Richman and David Richman.

The GKKC Christmas party/club meeting is to be held on December 6 @ 6:30 at the Chop House in Kingsport, TN. The club will provide appetizers. Guests are welcome to attend.

Discussion of the following: representing the GKKC in the December 2 Kingsport Christmas parade, upcoming Christmas party location will be explored by Rhonda Gibbs, and upgrading the storage facility for security and the necessary size for our Club needs.

GKKC Scentwork Trial will be held in November at Run Fast Bark Loud Dog Sports in Kingsport.

For the September GKKC Meeting, DeAnna Moore and her Guide Dog, Whimsey, provided an engaging and informational presentation on Guide Dog Etiquette.

Meeting adjourned at 7:07 PM.

Carrie Hodges, Recording Secretary

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